Olfactory conference

Thursday, September 30 2021, 15:00 - 17:00

Centre culturel Alban Minville

What does a ghost smell like?

In the wake of the exhibition “From matter to spirit”, a free olfactory conference for all audiences on this volatile entity, difficult to identify, that is the perfume that floats to our nostrils.

Between real and imaginary, nose to nose with a ghost, like an allegory of perfume, the ghost and the perfume let us know that we are very much alive.

Guided tour of the exhibition at the end of the conference.

Lecture will be told in the grounds of the Alban Minville Cultural Center.

About fifteen scents will be distributed in accordance with the health regulations in force.

Information: osmoart@gmail.com

Follow the other lectures in the LISTEN TO PERFUMES series here

Image: “Barbara Radziwiłł’s specter responding to Pan Twardowski’s invocation” by Wojciech Gerson

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