Olfactory conference

VOYAGE OLFACTIF AU JAPON: Invitation à la découverte de la culture olfactive nippone.
Wednesday, November 15 2023, 18:00 - 21:00

Mediathéque Guiraude de Laurac

Pierre Bénard, member of the international society of perfumers-creators, expert in natural raw materials for perfumery and olfactory artistic director of OSMOART, perfumes, colors and sounds, invites you to an olfactory conference on Japan and its olfactory culture.

An invitation to travel by following the steps or rather the nose of Pierre Bénard in his quest for endemic Japanese smells during his journey in 2018 in the Kansai region.

A quest to understand an olfactory culture different from that of Europe, through Japanese incense and the KODO ceremony, literally “the art of listening to perfumes”, you will discover the island of Awaji. Through of different Yuzu essential oils you will discover the productions on the island of Shikoku or literally associated with hinoki wood, the warm Yuzu-yu scented waters…


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