published on 2024-08-15ASCENT (A SCENT) ∞
« The Assumption of the Virgin » by Nicolas Poussin, perfumed with white flowers by angels, painted with several sketches between 1630-32.
It is one of the most beautiful allegories of incense, obviously, of smoke, by smoke (per fumum).
It is one of the most beautiful allegories of perfume.
« The Allegory of Smell » by Emile-Jacques Lafon, available in the graphic arts department of the Louvre, propels this weightlessness.
Neither religious, nor salutary, nor even seductive, simply « Volutes » like those of Alain Bashung, artist of independence and freedom.
This vaporous moment simply for the art and to send again my thanks to the people who supported and still support « LILITH, Sombre Héroïne » in order to see it rise.
Thank you